1.) Seaweeds – the numero uno food for iodine deficiency. They offer the broadest range of nutrients, containing virtually all the minerals found in the ocean, which are also essential for the human body. Seaweeds like kelp, nori and kombu can play a major role in supporting thyroid function.
2.) Protein – include eggs, nuts, seeds, fish and legumes in your diet as protein transports the thyroid hormone to all your tissues
3.) Avoid Goitrogens like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. – They have chemical substances that intervene with iodine absorption.
4.) Feed your gut with probiotics or good gut ecology.
5.) Eat naturally healthy fats like ghee, nuts, full fat cheese, butter, coconut oil /milk, flaxseeds, chai seeds and oily fish like salmon as they are great for producing and regulating hormones
6.) Sugar-Related Risks by eating too much sugar daily. Studies have shown that repeated insulin spikes tend to destroy the thyroid gland.