Saturday, January 18

Are You On A Diet? Here’s How To Make The Most Of Your Cheat Meal

Changing the word ‘cheat’ with ‘treat’ can make all the difference!

For every one of us, food is one of the greatest pleasures. It’s something everyone makes room for, but eating your favorite treats while on a weight loss plan, often referred to as cheat meals, will be nothing but cheating on your diet.

Lose the guilt: Feeling guilty about the indulging not only denies the pleasure, but it can also lead to emotionally driven eating, which will result in weight gain and set you up for a poor relationship with food.

– Consider the timing: Starting a diet plan by incorporating a daily or weekly treat meal can make sense to some. But others might hold off until an initial goal is reached.

Be true to your indulgences: It is important to choose food one enjoys. It can be a cheeseburger on a small whole-wheat bun or a fruit or a piece of candy. Whatever suits you!

The Economic Times