Saturday, February 15

Tag: Wellness

Ohio Banning Sales of Kratom and CBD

Ohio Banning Sales of Kratom and CBD

At a time when many pain sufferers are turning to natural supplements to relieve their pain, the state of Ohio is moving to ban two of the most popular ones. The Ohio Board of Pharmacy voted Monday to classify kratom as a Schedule I controlled substance alongside heroin, LSD and other dangerous drugs. The move came two months after the board issued an advisory warning that sales of CBD-infused products are illegal under Ohio’s new medical marijuana program. The pharmacy board considers kratom – which come from the leaves of a tree that grows in southeast Asia – a “psychoactive plant” that can cause hallucinations, psychosis, seizures and death. State health officials have identified six recent deaths in Ohio in which kratom "was indicated as the primary cause of death." You can fin...
Diet Affects The Breast Microbiome In Mammals
Diet, Wellness

Diet Affects The Breast Microbiome In Mammals

Diet influences the composition of microbial populations in the mammary glands of nonhuman primates, researchers report October 2 in the journal Cell Reports. Specifically, a Mediterranean diet increased the abundance of probiotic bacteria previously shown to inhibit tumor growth in animals. Diet has been extensively studied as a lifestyle factor that could influence breast cancer development. Breast cancer risk in women is increased by consumption of a high-fat Western diet full of sweets and processed foods but reduced by a healthy Mediterranean diet consisting of vegetables, fish, and olive oil. Intriguingly, a recent study in humans revealed that malignant breast tumors have a lower abundance of Lactobacillus bacteria compared to benign lesions, suggesting that microbial imbalances ...
Addressing Emotional Wellness In the Workplace

Addressing Emotional Wellness In the Workplace

When it comes to employee wellness, a lot of the discussion centers on physical wellness: encouraging employees to increase their physical activity levels, develop healthier eating habits, getting more sleep, etc. In addition to being easier to relate to, these kinds of wellness initiatives produce results that are not only easier to see and quantify (weight loss, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, etc.), but also easier to link to business outcomes, such as reducing insurance costs and absenteeism. Ignoring emotional health – both on a personal level and on an organizational level – can have consequences that are much more concerning than a few moments of awkwardness, such as higher rates of employee burnout, interpersonal conflicts, and decreased productivity. “Emotionally unwel...
Balanced Diet May Be Key to Cancer Survival
Diet, Wellness

Balanced Diet May Be Key to Cancer Survival

Eating a nutritionally balanced high-quality diet may lower a cancer patient's risk of dying by as much as 65 percent, new research suggests. The finding that total diet, rather than specific nutritional components, can affect a cancer patient's prognosis "was particularly surprising to us," said the study's lead author, Ashish Deshmukh. Total diet, he explained, was one that appeared to be "balanced" and "nutrient-rich" with a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, proteins and dairy. To explore the impact of nutrition on cancer, the researchers sifted through data collected between 1988 and 1994 by the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). Almost 34,000 people were included in the survey, which asked all participants to offer up a 24-hou...
Is Crash Diet Really A Solution For Perfect Body?
Botanicals, Diet, Wellness

Is Crash Diet Really A Solution For Perfect Body?

We are what we eat. Maybe, because of this statement, many people go through the ‘diet phase’ more than once in their life. But, how far can one go to get into the desired shape? How desperate can someone be to lower the blood pressure and diabetes levels? Well, there a few (actually many) who are very keen on shedding that extra fat. Did you know there is something called ‘vampire diet’ which calls its followers to eat only red foods at each meal? Red meat is the main component of this diet but there is a catch, the diet prefers uncooked meat (supposedly to preserve nutrients). And this is not the only diet which commands its followers to go raw. There is this diet named ‘The raw food diet’. This diet bars you from eating anything which is heated beyond 115°F. Well, your palate is n...
How To Cure Insomnia Naturally: 5 Remedies That May Help
Botanicals, Diet, Wellness

How To Cure Insomnia Naturally: 5 Remedies That May Help

If you struggle with insomnia, you’re not alone. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, sleep disorders affect 33 to 45 percent of Australians, preventing them from getting the meaningful rest they need to be productive the next day. Whether you reach for chamomile tea or seek therapy to treat underlying issues of anxiety or depression, a natural cure for insomnia is within reach. Here are five remedies that can help you cure insomnia naturally: 1. Herbal sleep remedies 2. Find time for exercise 3. Eat the right bedtime snack 4. Perfect your nighttime routine 5. Seek cognitive therapy According to WebMD, the branch of therapy dedicated to treating insomnia can make real inroads for patients who need to treat underlying issues — rather than just fix the negative cycles of...
New Study: High Fruit Diet Could Help Women Conceive
Botanicals, Diet, Wellness

New Study: High Fruit Diet Could Help Women Conceive

Researchers who looked at more than 5,500 women from Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand found those who consumed the least fruit were 50 per cent more likely to be infertile. Similarly, compared to women who never or rarely ate fast food, women who consumed fast food four or more times a week took nearly a month longer to become pregnant. Their risk of infertility also doubled from eight to 16 per cent. Professor Claire Roberts, of the University of Adelaide, Australia, who led the study, said: "These findings show that eating a good quality diet that includes fruit and minimising fast food consumption improves fertility and reduces the time it takes to get pregnant." For the study pregnant women were surveyed by midwives on how long it had taken them to become pregnant, ...
Better Diet Data Via Tooth-Mounted Sensors
Botanicals, Diet, Genetically Modified Foods, Remedies, Wellness

Better Diet Data Via Tooth-Mounted Sensors

In First World countries, where famine is unheard of, people are instead eating themselves to death. Oftentimes, diet studies rely on self-reported surveys and journals that are hostage to the whims of each participant. People forget. People feel self-conscious about their food choices and may fudge (pun intended) the data. However, a new sensor that fits on a person’s tooth could cut out this unpredictable variable—human nature— altogether. Researchers from Tufts University School of Engineering designed a tiny sensor that, when stuck to a tooth, can wirelessly relay precise information about glucose, alcohol and salt intake. When the device comes in contact with salt, for example, its electrical properties shift, causing its other components to absorb and transmit different radiofr...
7 Women Share What “Wellness” Means to Them

7 Women Share What “Wellness” Means to Them

2017 was a hard year for women’s health. From the roller coaster of legislation threatening to repeal the ACA to the federal de-funding of Planned Parenthood — not to mention the general stress and anxiety of living in our socio-political climate — this past year made very clear how important it is for us as women to protect our own health. 1. Emily, St. Louis, MO: “Wellness means a lot of things for me in this season — primarily taking care of my body and mind. I try to remember to wear supportive shoes so my body doesn’t get achy and I will want to exercise. Also, I monitor my social media intake. 2. Rachel, Europe via Kansas: “For me, wellness meant leaving the country — my husband and I are currently traveling Europe with our dog. American politics were giving me literal anxiety ...
Improving Your Diet Can Also Improve Your Skin
Diet, Wellness

Improving Your Diet Can Also Improve Your Skin

Revamping our eating habits can make for a healthier body. Did you know that making a few key changes to your diet could help to improve the look and feel of your skin, too? Here are some ways that adjusting your eating habits can help you achieve a brighter, more even, and healthier-looking complexion: ▪ Sugar contributes to signs of aging. Consuming too much sugar isn’t just bad for our waistlines; it can also contribute to signs of aging on our skin, including lines, wrinkles, and age spots. That’s because sugar triggers a chemical process called glycation within your body. ▪ Vitamin A boosts collagen. Vitamin A is found in many different foods, including carrots, sweet potatoes, and kale. This vitamin is a type of retinoid, which encourages collagen production within you...