3 Effective Home Remedies To Ease A Sore Throat
Due to the change in weather, seasonal allergies or excessive use of air conditioners, a common problem that most people face from time to time is a sore throat. Just like a cold, a sore throat can be frustrating as you deal with the annoying itch and pain in your throat.
While there are many medications that one can take to get rid of a sore throat, you can also resort to natural home remedies to ease the condition and build your immunity.
1. Pepper water
The fact that black pepper is an incredible ingredient when it comes to fighting cold, cough and flu is not unknown. Thanks to the presence of the essential oil called piperine, which helps in fighting viruses and bacterial infection, and in relieving chest congestion.
2. Ginger, honey and lemon
This has got to be one of the ...