Saturday, February 15

Tag: Skin care

Diet, Wellness

Healthy Skin is not just for women! 8 Natural Tips for Healthier Skin for Men

Although the beauty industry spends millions on advertising to market numerous skin care products to women, the fact is that we all have skin and we all need to take care of it, even if you have an XY chromosome. So here are my 8 top ways to care for your skin, both inside and out, that will help keep your skin in good shape for the years ahead of you. Water Getting adequate water is essential to your health and if you are dehydrated your skin will let you know by becoming dry, tight and flaky, with less resilience and more prone to wrinkling. Vitamin C Supplementation with this important anti-oxidant is an excellent way to keep your skin looking young and wrinkle free. Found in all layers of the skin, vitamin C helps to strengthen collagen, important in maintaining our skin’s e...