Dry Skin on the Face? The Causes and Remedies to Treat It
Some people are more prone than others to dry skin on the face. Gentle treatments and home remedies can relieve dry facial skin and prevent it from coming back.
People may experience dry skin on their face as a result of many factors, including changes in temperature or humidity, using soaps with harsh chemicals, and skin conditions, such as eczema.
In most cases, people can get rid of dry skin using home remedies and over-the-counter (OTC) treatments.
What causes it?
A person can moisturize daily to treat dry skin on their face. The skin naturally produces an oil called sebum. When the skin produces too much oil, this can lead to pimples. However, having some sebum on the skin is important for keeping it hydrated and protecting the cells from infection.
Skin that is not cre...