Saturday, February 15

Tag: healthy foods

Red cabbage microgreens help reduce LDL cholesterol

Red cabbage microgreens help reduce LDL cholesterol

Research in animal studies has uncovered that red cabbage microgreens help reduce LDL cholesterol – bad cholesterol. Microgreens are gaining traction in the food industry and showing up in more dishes. Microgreens are a tender, immature plant which grow within two weeks time. Researchers suggest that microgreens can offer greater benefits to health as opposed to their fully-grown counterparts. Red cabbage has already been found to help protect against excess cholesterol and so the researchers wanted to see if their microgreens counterparts could offer greater benefits. The researchers wanted to test the benefits of red cabbage microgreens on mice who consumed a high-fat diet as a means of reducing cardiovascular disease risk. The mice who consumed the red cabbage microgreens had redu...
Diet, Wellness

Naturally Cleanse Your Body with these Top 6 Detox Foods

Cleansing diet and detoxifying foods help in flushing all the toxins out from your body. The natural cleansing methods of fasting once a week and including detoxifying fruits and vegetables in your diet can give you a clearer skin and a better immune system. Here are some foods that detoxify the body and also help in restoring the body's healthy vigor. 1. Avocados - The fruits are loaded with heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fatty acids and fiber and are highly rated for their detoxifying qualities. 2. Beetroots - According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, they reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol, protect the artery walls and guard against heart disease and stroke. 3. Broccoli - This works with the enzymes in your liver and eases up the work of toxin removal from t...

These 3D Printed Super food Popsicles are too beautiful to eat!

There’s nothing ingenious about making a Popsicle—get a mold, pour flavored water into the mold, add a stick, freeze, and enjoy. A new company called Dream Pops, however, is aiming to up the ante on the classic icy treat by creating Popsicles made using superfoods and 3-D printing. Dream Pops creates its desserts by using an Ultimaker to 3-D print silicone shapes that are then made into metal molds. Finally, the Popsicle puree (which is organic, gluten-free, mostly vegan and made with ingredients like coconut palm sugar, tapioca, agave, and baobab) is added, cooled with liquid nitrogen, and ready to serve. “This is not easy,” notes Cohen. “Nobody has done this before. You cannot cut corners. Every flavor, every ingredient matters.” Vogue - Living