Saturday, April 20


Low Back Pain Killing You? Try 8 Remedies (Before Taking Pills)

Low Back Pain Killing You? Try 8 Remedies (Before Taking Pills)

You may have heard that doctors are getting away from prescribing opioids for chronic low back pain. New guidelines from the American College of Physicians (ACP) advise doctors to start with options that don’t involve any type of medication. This breaks from the World Health Organization tiered medication scale favored in the past. The scale previously focused on drugs that included opioids. What to try first for your back pain? 1. Physical therapy “Cleveland Clinic very much advocates active physical therapy,” says Dr. Mayer. An exercise prescription can help to ease back stiffness and strengthen muscles that support the spine. 2. Acupuncture This ancient Chinese technique involves inserting hair-thin needles into key points to ease the pain. “Acupuncture is better at reli...
5 Ancient Remedies That Strengthen Your Whole Body

5 Ancient Remedies That Strengthen Your Whole Body

Ancient civilizations did not have to worry about GMOs, pesticides and modern day illnesses. They did, however, suffer from the same immune-suppressing ailments that modern-day man suffers today. But without the use of pharmaceutical drugs at their disposal, they relied on the wisdom of generations past to support their health and wellbeing. Much of that healing wisdom has been buried under modern day medicine. Still, there are some powerful ancient remedies that have stood the test of time, which continue to heal today. When it came to immune-boosting remedies, ancient people looked to their gardens for healing foods and herbs. You can do the same. Here are five ancient remedies used to strengthen the bodies. Garlic Tea. Garlic may be a flavorful seasoning, but it dates back thousan...
Stressed? Anxious? Try these home remedies

Stressed? Anxious? Try these home remedies

Stress is something that just about everyone knows well and experiences often. It’s that feeling of pressure, typically a result of too much to do and too little time to do it in. Anxiety is a tense feeling that often accompanies stress. It’s typically directed toward the future — toward something that may happen soon. Some anxiety can motivate you or help you respond to danger. However, if you have ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities and makes it hard to enjoy life, then anxiety can be a problem. Lifestyle, Home Remedies Keep physically active. Develop a routine so you’re physically active most days of the week. Exercise is a powerful stress reducer. It may improve your mood and help you stay healthy. Start out slowly and gradually increase the amount and inte...
6 Brilliant Home Remedies for a Throat Infection

6 Brilliant Home Remedies for a Throat Infection

A pesky throat infection is hard to handle. The irritation and itchiness can make it difficult for you to concentrate on your daily chores. Not to forget, the terrible pain that may accompany in severe conditions. A lot of kitchen ingredients are known for their powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties and can help fight infections. They can also help in boosting your immunity and making you stronger from within. What causes a throat infection? It could be tonsillitis, cold or a strep throat. It is usually one of the first effects of cold, flu or congestion. A throat infection is basically caused by some virus or bacteria. It may be an effect of some other ailment that you are suffering with or may be attacked by the pollutants or irritants in the air or some kind of allergies...
5 Common Foods that Help Deworm Naturally

5 Common Foods that Help Deworm Naturally

It's good to deworm at intervals to keep the body in great shape and avoid worm infestation, a common health hazard that could be fatal. Worms can be found in the digestive tracts and all around the system amongst other parasites that can cause the body harm when left unattended to. Apart from consciously deworming from time to time, there are foods that do this naturally and without side effects (or the fear of passing out actual worms which a lot of people think happens but doesn't usually anymore!) 1. Water and Lime/Lemon Drink a mix of water and lime or lemon once in a while to help flush out worms in the gut. Try taking this every day for a week to get rid of worms.This is good enough to be taken every day as it benefits the overall body and its immune system. Ensure to drin...
Home Remedies To Ease Stress, Relieve Anxiety

Home Remedies To Ease Stress, Relieve Anxiety

Stress is something that just about everyone knows well and experiences often. It’s that feeling of pressure, typically a result of too much to do and too little time to do it in. In a busy life, stress is almost unavoidable. Anxiety is a tense feeling that often accompanies stress. It’s typically directed toward the future — toward something that may happen soon. Some Anxiety can motivate you or help yo respond to danger. However, if you have ongoing anxiety that interferes with daily activities and makes it hard to enjoy life, then anxiety can be a problem. Lifestyle and home remedies: Keep physically active. Develop a routine so that you’re physically active most days of the week. Exercise is a powerful stress reducer. It may improve your mood and help you stay healthy. Start o...
7 Natural Remedies for Skin Tags

7 Natural Remedies for Skin Tags

Skin tags are non-cancerous tumors that appear as bits of flesh or dark colored bumps, usually around neck or chest area. Many people develop skin tags in the middle age and there is a belief appear due to genetics or weight gain. They are triggered by a growth factor-triggered by insulin. If you have them, this is an addiction that you're consuming too much sugar or you did at some point in your past. Thus, to prevent their growth, you need to monitor diet. How to get rid of skin tags: 1. Bicarbonate of soda and Castor Oil. Max some bicarbonate of soda with castor oil and apply on the affected are at night. 2. Tea Tree Oil. This is an excellent remedy for various skin issues such as acne, cold sores, and chicken pox. 3. Garlic. Apply some fresh garlic juice on the skin tag ...
5 Natural Allergy Remedies that Work

5 Natural Allergy Remedies that Work

Before you pop those pills, spray your nose, or get that injection, you might want to consider some of the natural options that help with allergies. Here are some of my preferred foods and remedies: Papaya Enzymes—papaya contains a natural enzyme known as papain that has natural anti-inflammatory properties. As such, it helps alleviate inflammation linked to sinus and nasal swelling, as well as addressing many of the symptoms of allergies, hay fever, and excessive catarrh buildup. Quercetin—A natural antioxidant found in foods like apples, berries, cabbage, cauliflower, nuts, onions and tea, this nutrient has been found to have potent anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, making it a great choice to reduce the effects of pollens and other allergens. Green Tea—Green tea i...
Inguinal Hernia Recovery: Treatment, Prevention, and Home Remedies

Inguinal Hernia Recovery: Treatment, Prevention, and Home Remedies

Inguinal hernias develop when the tissues of the abdomen bulge through a weaker part of the lower abdominal wall. There are two types of inguinal hernias: indirect and direct. Indirect inguinal hernias are caused by a defect in the abdominal wall that is present at birth. On the other hand, direct hernias develop over time and are a result of muscle weakness in the lower abdomen—they are most prominent in males. If not treated, inguinal hernias can lead to complications. One of them is incarceration, which develops fat or part of the small intestine gets stuck in the groin or scrotum and cannot get back to the abdomen. Another complication is strangulation, which occurs when the incarcerated hernia is not treated. The blood supply to the small intestine is lost and that section of th...
Home Remedies: Fighting the flu

Home Remedies: Fighting the flu

Initially, the flu may seem like a common cold with a runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat. But colds usually develop slowly, whereas the flu tends to come on suddenly. And although a cold can be a nuisance, you usually feel much worse with the flu. Symptoms Initially, the flu may seem like a common cold with a runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat. But colds usually develop slowly, whereas the flu tends to come on suddenly. And although a cold can be a nuisance, you usually feel much worse with the flu. If you do come down with the flu, these measures may help ease your symptoms: 1. Drink plenty of liquids. Choose water, juice and warm soups to prevent dehydration. Drink enough so that your urine is clear or pale yellow. 2. Rest. Get more sleep to help your immune system f...