Saturday, February 15

Psilocybin May Help Some Who Battle Anorexia

TUESDAY, Aug. 1, 2023 (HealthDay News) — One dose of the hallucinogenic ingredient in “magic mushrooms” may help some people with anorexia move past their preoccupation with body image, an early study suggests.

The study, of just 10 women with anorexia, tested the effects of a single dose of psilocybin plus psychological counseling sessions.

Researchers found that the treatment appeared safe, with patients rating the experience as a positive one.

And within three months, four of 10 women had a significant improvement in their eating disorder “pathology.” That meant certain eating-disorder behaviors — including preoccupation with weight and body shape — improved to the degree that they were close to what’s typical of people without an eating disorder.

There are plenty of caveats in the findings, however, experts said.

Keep reading at Tulsa World