Thursday, January 16

Tea tree oil holds promise as a natural remedy for acne

Acne vulgaris is a distressing condition that primarily begins during adolescence and extends into young adulthood. Many scientists have devoted considerable research to identify modifiable risk factors for acne and effective methods for its treatment.

A new Antioxidants study explores the anti-acne properties of tea tree oil (TTO), which is widely known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant properties.


Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory condition that affects nearly 80% of all teenagers. Although acne rarely causes serious illness, it often leads to psychosocial distress due to the disfiguring effects of acute acne, as well as the potential for scarring. As a result, affected individuals may experience depression, social isolation by immature peers, and low self-esteem.

Read more at News Medical