Wednesday, November 13

Cabbage leaves in your bra DO work! As Paloma Faith reveals she’s trying the DIY treatment to ease engorgement, experts reveal the best natural hacks for new mothers

Singer Paloma Faith struck a chord with new mothers when she revealed she is using cabbage leaves to soothe her painful engorged breasts in a recent Instagram post.

The mother-of-two, who gave birth three days ago, said she is experiencing ‘next level pain’ after being diagnosed with acute engorgement, a condition that makes breastfeeding extremely difficult, and shared a photo of cabbage leaves in her bra.

The leaves are recommended as a DIY treatment because they possess anti-inflammatory properties and draw out excess liquid, according to experts.

Speaking to FEMAIL, midwives and doctors from across the UK explained cabbage is just one of many natural remedies that can be used to treat post-partum health issues.

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