Monday, January 13

3 Best Home Remedies for Cholera

Cholera is a deadly disease caused by Vibrio cholerae bacterium. The disease cause demise in a less span and has claimed lives of many for the reason being, lacking knowledge about it.

However, this should not deter you from seeking medication. It is just the article is schooling you about home treatments that can be employed and nothing else.

Here are some home remedies for cholera infection;

Homemade ORS

Homemade ORS is effective in curing cholera. Homemade ORS can be made at home. Alternatively, you can go for ORS supplements in chemist accredited by the health organization.

Probiotic yogurt

Probiotic yogurt is highly endowed with healthy bacteria which combat the bacterium, boosts digestion and immune system.


Ginger is a herb that has been widely used to cure a number of ailments including cholera.

U Report