Monday, January 13

Cigarettes Consumption May Cause Infertility, Try these Natural Remedies to Curb the Behavior

This goes without saying that tobacco consumption in any form can have adverse effects on your health. Many recent studies have linked tobacco consumption to infertility in men and women. Some of them indicate that as compared to the non-smokers, active smokers are 14 percent more likely to be infertile and 26 percent women more likely to have early menopause.

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of pregnancy complications, low birth weight, and birth defects. Risk of miscarriages may increase with regular smoking. Similarly, men may also face an of health problems such as hormonal issues, erectile dysfunction, and reduced libido. Since prevention is always better than cure, here are some natural ways to kick the butt and quit tobacco.

1. Drink lots of fluids

Drinking plenty of water can help curb the habit of chewing or smoking tobacco as it will flush out nicotine faster. Other fluids like green tea, black tea and coffee may be very effective during the withdrawal period.

2. Dried ginger and lemon

Ginger is known to contain sulfur compounds that help in reducing symptoms of tobacco addiction. All you need to do is to soak small pieces of ginger in lemon juice and mix it with pepper and store it in a container. Suck a piece whenever you feel the urge to smoke or chew tobacco.

More of this article at NDTV