Tuesday, January 14

2017: Wellness, Health and Happiness

After New Year’s, our attention turns towards our goals. It may be a cliché, but it’s also all too real. Here are tips from top wellness experts on how to successfully achieve health, healing, and happiness in 2017.

With indulgence over the holidays, it’s natural to let yourself to chill a bit more, but that can lead to self-sabotage. Holiday indulgences tend to make way for more of the same until one is totally off their path and barely being able to wake up without extra double shots of the espresso. In fact, people knowing that the “New Year” is around the corner often makes them want to grab that extra slice and or eat more pie. Eventually, too much time in the party scene, just like a crazy house where you can barely think in, leads to the need to create some clarity, freshen up and give yourself a new start.

Be ready to go through a break up…with your old patterns.
Every step we take to move forward is essential. With the welcome of ‘the new’ comes the ability to let go of the many threads of the past woven into the fabric of who we are. As we create space in our lives for the present by freeing ourselves from “it’s just what I’ve always done,” our life goals become more than a piece of paper with unattainable words. We start replacing the spaces of what could be by filling them with the dreams that can become reality.

Huffington Post

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