With Christmas nearly here, your kids may ask why the three wise men gave baby Jesus frankincense and myrrh along with the gold, according to Christian texts. In any case, frankincense and myrrh are resins derived from the sap of trees that grow in the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa, and India. And they’ve been cherished for both their spiritual qualities and healing powers for more than 5,000 years.
Modern science is finally catching up with the ancient remedies, finding evidence to support many of their traditional health benefit claims, including:
Immune System support – frankincense boosted the production of antibodies while reducing the hypersensitivity to pathogens and other body intruders that can cause inflammation. If you do get sick, myrrh works as an expectorant to relieve congestion.
Antiseptic qualities – Antiseptic qualities: Frankincense and myrrh have been used to treat wounds and heal infections since ancient times
Pain relief – frankincense oil helps to soothe pain from muscle aches, digestive issues, and arthritis.
Fighting Cancer – One lab study showed that frankincense can be deadly to ovarian cancer cells with researchers concluding that it “may form the basis of a novel anticancer treatment…perhaps alongside conventional chemotherapy.”
Regulating Hormones – Frankincense helps normalize estrogen levels and regulate the menstrual cycle, easing headaches, cramps, nausea, mood swings, and other symptoms. Myrrh can give you energy by boosting thyroid function.
Skin Care – have anti-aging and skin rejuvenation qualities, reduce scarring from acne and surgery, and encourage blemishes and stretch marks to fade.
Reducing Stress – Frankincense and myrrh act as sedatives to soothe anxiety, ease depression and foster a good night’s sleep.