Sunday, September 8

Tired all the time? Boost Your Energy Levels with these foods!

There are natural ways to boost low energy, and nutritionist Sarah Flowers spoke to to reveal her top tips.

“Despite being told that eating lots of carbohydrates will give us energy, we need to look at more nutrient dense ways to feed our body with slow releasing carbohydrates, such as sweet potato, quinoa and wholegrain rice.

“Although we consume high levels of refined carbohydrates; we are often devoid of essential nutrients as these cause blood sugar fluctuations, which can leave you drained and lacking in energy and put you at risk of obesity and diabetes.”


Sarah recommended adding Vitamin B to your diet: “To boost your energy levels, ensure you take a good quality B Vitamin Complex, which will deliver all essential B vitamins.

A magnesium deficiency can result in fatigue, so getting enough is important, as Sarah explained: “Magnesium is one of the main nutrients involved in our energy process and even a mild deficiency of magnesium can result in fatigue and even symptoms similar to chronic fatigue syndrome.

You may not have heard of Coenzyme Q10, but Sarah reckoned it is a key ingredient to add to your diet. She said: “This is one of the main nutrients needed in the manufacture of energy within the mitochondria.

Finally, Sarah noted that a healthy gut is linked to higher energy levels. To ensure a healthy gut flora, it is always beneficial to take a good quality probiotic

Express Daily Express

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