Here are a few foods you may think are healthy although the science tells us otherwise.
Rice malt syrup
Often considered ‘much’ better than sugar, the truth is that rice malt syrup is a refined sugar. The sugar mix of rice malt syrup is 3% glucose, 45% maltose and maltotriose 52% so while it may be fructose free, it does not mean calorie free so not only is it misleading to claim it is free of sugar, but it will contribute to an excessive calorie intake when over consumed just as regular sugar will.
Coconut water
While coconut water, especially when served in a real coconut parades as the ultimate health drink for hydration, with 18g of sugars, or almost 4 teaspoons per 250ml serve it is still a high sugar choice of fluid.
Almond milk
Popular on paleo regimes and for those who which to avoid animal milk, unsweetened almond milk contains few calories per serve and literally no sugars. However, these milk are generally low in almond content with the most common brands containing as little as 2% resulting in a ‘milk’ that is low in protein and calcium.
Breakfast biscuits
While some European cultures enjoy a light breakfast of coffee and a few sweet biscuits, it is then a big jump to claim that they are a ‘healthy’ breakfast choice. With just 4g of protein, plenty of carbs, up to 10g of sugars and just 3g of fiber, there are many, many other more nutritious breakfast options than a sweet packet of biscuits.
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