Saturday, December 7

A mix of Topical and Ingested Natural Ingredients Key to Anti-Aging Skin

While the eyes are the window to our soul, our skin is a mirror to our physical and emotional wellbeing. Our general health, our nutrition, our lifestyle and our emotional state are all reflected in the way our skin looks. So, there is real truth in the saying “beauty starts from the inside.”

Many ingredients play in both topical and ingestible products. Examples would be collagen or collagen peptides, lipids and different antioxidants and vitamins. In fact, research shows that by utilizing a combined approach one can experience better results. For example, providing carotenoid antioxidants via topical and ingestible treatment led to greater accumulation in human skin compared to each delivery method alone.

So, how can we maintain and support skin longevity?

Collagen is the major protein of skin cells. It supplies the firmness and structural integrity of the young skin. As a result of intrinsic aging as well as environmental factors, collagen production is reduced while collagen fragmentation is increased.

Ceramides belong to a family of lipid molecules that are an integral part of cell membranes. As such, ceramides are important for skin protective barrier function. Using ceramides in a supplement or in a cream can support skin barrier function and help keep skin hydrated and moist.

Our first line of defense against UV is the antioxidant reservoir in our skin. This reservoir is gradually depleted as we age, and ironically, UV radiation serves as a catalysis to this harmful depletion process. Therefore, there is the sense in replenishing antioxidants into our skin.

Combining the different protective approaches (topical and ingestible) is a sweet spot in the industry, and we will probably see more brands coming out with this holistic skin care approach. With the topicals facilitating the consumer expectation for short-term effects and the ingestible complementing the bigger picture and providing long-term, 24/7 benefits for skin parameters as well as for overall wellness which is reflected in our skin.

Natural Product Insider

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