Saturday, February 15

Slow down the aging process, these natural alternatives to botox can help!

Aging is an inevitable part of life that leaves undesirable effects on the body, inside and out. Weaker muscles, thinning hair, fine lines, and wrinkles are but a few signs that give away a person’s age. Wrinkles and other signs of aging can be managed with the use of natural products and certain changes in everyday life. These are safe, don’t cost much, and give health benefits that are good for the entire body:

1. Alpha hydroxy acids – These are a group of acids found in different kinds of fruits and plants. Their effects on the skin are derived through both consumption and topical application

2. Oils – extracted from different natural sources deliver a wide range of health benefits when applied to the skin, and their efficacy is doubled when used in conjunction with other oils. Natural Oils that work wonders against signs of aging are: Argan Oil, Avocado Oil, Camelina Oil, Cranberry Seed Oil, Coconut Oil, Geranium Oil, Olive Oil, Red Raspberry Seed oil & Sweet Almond Oil

3. Honey Masks – regarded as one of the oldest skin treatments as the sweet yellow liquid, along with some skincare methods, honey masks have been around since the ancient times.

4. Seaweed – hydrates the skin, reduces cellulite count and inflammation, and rejuvenates with its iodine content

5. Bone Broth – collagen and glycine are some of its age-defying contents

6. Lifestyle Changes

Gazette Review

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